- Studio:ワンルーム
- 1BR:1ベッドルーム
- 1BR:2ベッドルーム
Scrub and disinfect sink(s) & toilet(s)
Clean and disinfect bathroom floors
Scrub and disinfect shower walls, enclosure and fixtures
Wipe down bathroom cabinets
Clean mirrors and windows
- Scrub:〔ゴシゴシと~を〕洗う、磨く
- disinfect:消毒する
- enclosure:囲い
- fixtures:備品
- wipe down:拭く
Empty and clean cabinets and pantry shelves
Clean microwave interior and exterior
Wipe down refrigerator
Scrub and disinfect the kitchen sink
Wipe down and disinfect countertops
Scrub stovetop
Clean and descale coffee maker
Clean table and chairs
Wipe down & polish stainless steel appliances
Clean and sanitize floors
- shelfの複数形shelves:棚
- interior and exterior:内部と外部
- countertop:カウンター
- stovetop:コンロ
- descale:水[湯]あかを落とす
- polish:研磨
- stainless steel:ステンレス鋼
- appliances:家電製品(アプライアンス)
- sanitize:消毒する
Other Areas Br. etc.
Clean floors & wipe down baseboards and doors
Clean behind and underneath furniture
Clean wood funiture
Wipe down the blinds
Clean windows
Vacuum/shake out rugs
Wipe down and disinfect door knobs
Clean Light switches and TV screen and remote
- baseboard:〔構造物の〕基部の板
- underneath:下部{かぶ}に、底面{ていめん}に
- blind:ブラインド
- Vacuum:掃除機
- shake out:振って出す
- remote:リモコン
So much is possible when one demonstrates integrity, discipline, good work habits, and courage.
- demonstrate:証明する,実証する;証拠となる
- integrity:誠実さ
- discipline:起立
- habit:癖、習慣
- courage:勇気